Blogging for Professionals Firms st. Paul & Minneapolis

Blogging for Professionals in St. Paul and Minneapolis

On an almost-daily basis, content is increasing in importance in retaining and attracting clients. A well-written blog is a solid way to establish you as a thought leader and a trusted advisor to clients. Sadly, only about 5% of blogs written by professionals actually get read.

We have blogging for Minnesota attorneys, accountants, and financial services professionals down to a science.  Not only can we help you write your own blogs, we can write blogs for you!

Bloggers: Tips, Tools and Strategies  in St.Paul and Minneapolis

You can find out more about blogging by reading some of the blogs written by our PSM team to help you:

Our research has revealed the type of topics as well as the tone and writing style that make clients, prospects, and contacts want to read your blog. The way many professionals are taught to write in school is just the opposite of how people read and absorb information. So, our writers and editors will ensure that your key thoughts and ideas are communicated clearly in a “journalism style” of writing.

Once a blog is uploaded, we promote it heavily on social media, drawing readers to your blog and your website.

We use analytics to track not just how many people are tuning in but which subjects are of the greatest interest so you can focus on what’s drawing readers as you think of future topics.

Professional Blog Writing Services in St. Paul and Minneapolis

Finally, we help you leverage your blog posts by posting slightly different versions at other outlets such as LinkedIn Publisher.

Learn More! Contact us today.

PSM Marketing