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Essential Marketing Guides by PSM Marketing

Introducing PSM Marketing’s Essential Marketing Guides – your comprehensive resource for a deep dive into our most popular and relevant topics. We understand that navigating the complex world of marketing can be overwhelming, especially for professionals looking to excel in their industries. That’s why we’ve curated these guides, each meticulously crafted to provide you with valuable insights, strategies, and expert advice.

Whether you’re a law firm seeking to enhance your online presence, a small business aiming to boost your branding efforts, or a professional service provider looking to harness the power of digital marketing, our “Essential Guides” are tailored to address your unique needs. From marketing strategies and branding essentials to SEO techniques and digital communication insights, these guides cover it all. At PSM Marketing, we’re committed to empowering you with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve marketing success. Our Essential Marketing Guides are designed to be your trusted companion on this journey, offering in-depth information and actionable tips. Stay tuned as we roll out these guides, and unlock the secrets to effective and impactful marketing in your industry.

Marketing Motivation

PSM Marketing is deeply committed to educating our clients through timely and relevant Marketing Motivation Blog Posts. We understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest marketing trends, strategies, and industry insights. Our blog serves as a valuable resource for you, offering informative articles, tips, and best practices to enhance your marketing knowledge. Our goal is to empower you with the information you need to make informed decisions, improve your marketing efforts, and drive your business forward. By regularly engaging with our blog content, you can stay ahead of the curve, acquire new skills, and increase your revenue. Through these links, you can find information on myriad topics, including:

Assessment Tools

As we begin our work with clients, knowing and understanding what makes you a unique butterfly is important. There are many assessment tools available, but the two we find most helpful are:

Clifton StrengthsFinder™ – The Gallop Organization’s StrengthsFinder offers you numerous benefits. It serves as a powerful tool to help you identify and nurture your unique strengths. Through its extensive research spanning over 30 years, it enables you to gain self-awareness and understand your natural talents and abilities. By focusing on your strengths instead of weaknesses, you can enhance your performance and achieve greater success. StrengthsFinder also fosters a positive work culture by encouraging colleagues to leverage one another’s strengths, leading to improved collaboration and productivity. It also enhances your engagement and satisfaction by aligning your role with your strengths. Ultimately, StrengthsFinder empowers you to thrive by maximizing your potential and creating a strengths-based environment. Read More.

Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) – The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) offers you a range of benefits. It helps you gain valuable insights into your personality by assessing your preferences across different dimensions. With MBTI, you can develop a deeper understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and communication style, enabling you to make more informed decisions and navigate relationships effectively. It provides a framework for personal growth and self-reflection, allowing you to leverage your natural tendencies and develop new skills. MBTI also aids in career planning by suggesting suitable professions based on your personality type. By embracing MBTI, you can enhance self-awareness, improve relationships, and make more informed choices in various aspects of your life. Read More.

Free PSM Marketing Tools!

We are committed to the concept of “giving before we get,” and are always happy to offer free assessment services to help you determine if PSM’s services are a good fit for you. Look here:

Do You Have a Marketing Question? is delighted to respond to any marketing question you submit to us. We are committed to providing valuable assistance and expertise to help address your marketing concerns. Whether you need guidance on branding, digital marketing, content creation, or any other aspect of marketing, we are here to support you. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to delivering insightful and customized solutions tailored to your specific needs. By reaching out to us, you can tap into our knowledge and industry insights, gaining clarity and direction for your marketing endeavors. We take pride in being a trusted resource and look forward to helping you succeed in your marketing efforts. Ask Your Question Now.

Am I a Good Candidate for Marketing Coaching?  Taking the assessment provided by PSM’s marketing coaching service will help you determine if you are a suitable candidate for their program. By answering the survey questions honestly, you can gain valuable insights into your marketing skills, knowledge, and areas of improvement. The assessment will identify your strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to assess whether PSM’s coaching service aligns with your needs. It will also give you an understanding of the potential benefits you can expect from the program. Ultimately, this assessment empowers you to decide whether PSM’s marketing coaching service is the right fit for your professional development goals. Take the Quiz Now.

Is My Firm a Good Candidate for Outsourced Marketing? The assessment provided by PSM Marketing will help you determine if your firm or company is a suitable candidate for their outsourced marketing services. By completing the survey, you will gain valuable insights into your current marketing strategies, challenges, and goals. The assessment will help you assess whether PSM Marketing’s services align with your needs and objectives. It will provide you with a clear understanding of the potential benefits and outcomes that outsourcing marketing to PSM Marketing can offer your business. Ultimately, this assessment empowers you to make an informed decision about whether PSM Marketing is the right partner to drive your marketing success. Take the Assessment.

Free Website Audit – PSM Marketing’s free website audit offers you numerous benefits. By having your website audited, you gain a comprehensive analysis of its performance, functionality, and overall user experience. This assessment helps you identify areas that may be hindering your website’s effectiveness, such as slow loading times, broken links, or poor navigation. It also examines your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) factors, providing insights on how to improve your visibility and rankings in search results. A website audit allows you to uncover opportunities for enhancing user engagement, conversion rates, and lead generation. Ultimately, it empowers you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your website’s performance, improve user satisfaction, and drive business growth. Sign Up for your Free Audit Today.

Free Social Media Assessment – PSM Marketing’s offering of a free social media audit brings significant benefits to you. By availing this service, you gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your social media presence. The audit examines various aspects, including content quality, engagement levels, audience targeting, and consistency across platforms. It helps you identify areas of improvement and discover new opportunities to enhance your social media strategy. The audit also provides actionable recommendations on content creation, scheduling, and leveraging the right platforms for your target audience. By understanding your strengths and weaknesses, you can optimize your social media efforts to build brand awareness, engage your audience, and drive meaningful results for your business. Schedule a Call Today.

Get a Free Marketing Assessment – Getting a free marketing assessment from PSM Marketing ( will provide you with invaluable benefits. It allows you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your current marketing strategies, identify areas for improvement, and uncover untapped opportunities. By leveraging PSM Marketing’s expertise, you’ll receive tailored recommendations and insights specific to your business, helping you optimize your marketing efforts for maximum impact. This assessment will offer you a fresh perspective, highlighting blind spots and offering innovative solutions to enhance your brand visibility, attract more customers, and drive business growth. Ultimately, it’s an opportunity to gain actionable insights and propel your marketing success to new heights. Find Out More.

Looking for more? Visit our Webinar Archive and Legal Industry Articles Terrie wrote for the ABA’s Small Firm and Solo Section, and for Attorney at Law Magazine.

Clients We Serve

PSM has a long history serving lawyers, recruiting firms, renewable energy companies, contractors, small businesses and non-profits. The majority of clients we serve fall into one of these categories:

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PSM Marketing