Pillar 4: Targeted and Effective Communication Strategies

Effective Communication means saying the right thing at the right time. It is difficult for growing firms and solo practitioners to keep up with their marketing and communications plans. An effective and concise marketing strategy can do wonders for them.

Through this article, Terrie S. Wheeler, MBC, a veteran in lawyer marketing, chalks out a clear and concise communications strategy for small to mid-sized law firms. These practical tips have been drawn out of three decades of her intense PSM Marketing experience.

Focused communications can help you maintain a rapport with your clients and referral sources as you work to communicate with them in a language they understand; one that shows them you are there to meet their needs.

Identifying your audiences and classifying them into smaller groups based on factors that make sense can be your first step towards building a focused communication strategy. Consider a characterization on the basis of your client’s/referral’s job or their industry of expertise.

This categorization will help you build a separate communication strategy for each of these groups. The next steps laid out in this article are just as simple and workable as this one.

This article by our professional services marketing expert will answer the following for you:

  • How do I make my communications more effective with less work?
  • How can I leverage my invoices as a marketing tool?
  • How can I make sure my website is an asset?
  • What can I do to improve my website, so it is my the best marketing tool?
  • Should a law firm invest time/money in SEO?
  • Can I do something to boost my SEO?
  • What role does regular communication play in improving search engine ranks?

In addition to achieving consistent and targeted communication with clients, referrals, and leads, and analyzing and optimizing your website for SEO, this article is your one-stop-shop to learn simple and effective Communication Strategies.

Dive right into the article >

Table of Contents
PSM Marketing