10 Ways to Repurpose Your Content

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When you write an article, post a blog, or are featured in a news story or any piece of content, we encourage you to expand the reach of the content by promoting it at least 5-7 different ways.  When you create content, you want to spend four times as much time promoting it as you did writing it.

Below are ideas you can use to ‘repurpose’ your content to reach even more people:

  1. Add a direct link to the story on your website – on your home page as well as the ‘news and events’ section.
  2. Create a LinkedIn status update and include a link to the story on your website.
  3. Post a link to the story on your company’s LinkedIn and Facebook pages.
  4. Add a link to the article on Twitter.  Active Twitter users can then “retweet” your content to their followers, further expanding its reach.
  5. Add a reference to the article in your website bio (for example “as featured on KSTP TV’s ‘Out and About’ segment as an expert on retirement planning”).
  6. Create a blog post on the topic you were interviewed about.
  7. Develop a presentation around the article topic and present it at an association meeting or offer to conduct a free “lunch and learn” for a group of referral sources.
  8. Send an E-mail update to your contacts with a link to the article.
  9. Feature the article in your E-newsletter.  Include a brief summary with a link to the article on your website.
  10. Send personal e-mails to your “A-Level” referral sources, clients and prospects before the article is published letting them know that you/your firm will be, for example, featured in Sunday’s Star Tribune business section.

By repurposing your content, you proactively expand the number of people who will see your content, and will harness the power of the internet to help your thought leadership live on!

PSM Marketing