The Big Trend In 2016: Adding Video To Your Website

video camera lens

As more and more lawyers are jumping into the Web-based digital video movement, being the star of ones’ own video shoot can spark fear into the hearts of even the most fearless lawyers. Consider the statistics:

  • One of the top four online marketing strategies for 2016 includes more interactive content to websites, including videos (Hinge Marketing, 8 Jan 16).
  • 80% of Internet users recall watching a video they saw online. Of that number, 46% take action and make contact based on the video (Video Brewery, Jan. 2016).
  • Over 60% of visitors to your website will watch a video before reading the same content (ReelLawyers, January 2016).

The jury is in. Adding video to your website will engage visitors and make it more likely that prospective clients and referral sources will call you.

Should You Consider Adding Video To Your Website?

If the concept of adding videos to your website sounds compelling, but you are not convinced yet to take the video plunge, consider the following:

  • Are you confident about what differentiates you in the marketplace?
  • Do you know what services reflect your best and highest use as a lawyer?
  • Would you rather shoot a video versus writing website content?
  • Can you identify questions your current and prospective clients frequently ask you – those you have to repeat each time?
  • Do you spend a lot of time delivering “free consultations” to clients you don’t end up working with?
  • Are you engaging and articulate?

If you answered yes to more than three of the questions above, you should consider adding videos to your website.   Stay tuned for Tips for Creating Interesting and Informative Videos!

PSM Marketing