Master the New Digital Marketing Landscape of 2022!

Master the New Digital Marketing Landscape of 2022 - PSM Marketing

Traditional marketing is really growing into its name… tradition, and we know traditions aren’t always useful to adopt in the modern age. At least not without good reason.

The digital marketing landscape is now where most marketers focus their efforts.

And in 2022, you can’t ignore the changing marketing landscape if you want your business to thrive.

Influencer marketing, live video, voice search, and content creation are digital marketing trends that have been around for a while. However, they have changed with the pandemic and purely through evolution.

In this article, we’ll look at how to master these strategies for the new marketing landscape of 2022.

Influencer Marketing Is Blowing Up

According to Hubspot, 34% of marketers plan to invest in influencer marketing in 2022, while 46% will increase investments in it.

How and why are influencers grabbing the marketing reins of nearly every industry this year?

Almost all audiences — from baby boomers to gen z’s — are finding their way to the internet. And from there, they’re latching on to the content creators (read: Influencers) they most connect with.

A connection with your audience is the backbone of successful marketing. So if possible, adopt influencer-like practices into your marketing or network to get more eyes on what you offer.

Video Marketing is Storming the Digital Marketing Landscape

Video consumption is still an idyllic form of marketing because it’s among the closest people get to the real thing. It’s why 88% of customers in one survey said a video convinced them to purchase a service or product.

From retail giant Amazon to SaaS businesses, to moving and manufacturing companies… everyone is adopting video. Some, wisely, have even jumped on the TikTok bandwagon.

This means you have to stand out.

How to stand out with your videography:

  • Start your video with a bang or eye-catcher to stop the scroll
  • Make use of captions and hashtags based on the platform
  • Appeal to your specific audience with relevant content
  • Switch up the presentation style, production, and tone
  • Keep it short and value-packed
  • Have an intentional thumbnail

Also, why not try live video? A whopping 63% of millennials regularly watch lives. And the industry is expected to grow to $149 billion by 2026. So give it a go and reap the rewards.

Voice Search Is Still Untapped

“Hey Google, what is the best coffee shop near me?”

Adopting smart searches is still seen as optional for many businesses. This means there is major room for you to get your foot in the door before this marketing strategy gets overdone.

If you think it’s difficult to rank on the number one page of Google — Think bigger. (And spoiler: it definitely is hard!)

Think smart… devices.

Do you have any in your home? If yes, you already somewhat understand the importance of natural speech and the impact it could have on your marketing strategy.

How do you make the best use of voice search?

  • Include longer, conversational keywords on your website and blogs
  • Answer questions in a straightforward way
  • Optimize existing content structure to be numbered or bulleted to create featured snippets for SEO boosting

Tap into voice search as a marketing tool and see your business reach new heights in the new digital marketing landscape.

Content Marketing is All About Story-Telling

How has content marketing changed in 2022?

Let me tell you a story…Once upon a time… Ok, I’m not really going to write a story right now but you get the idea.

The use of stories in marketing is getting the recognition it deserves. And for good reason.

Stories are ridiculously captivating when done right.

So, how do you use stories to connect consumers to your brand?

  1. Be original – Use stories from your daily life and make them relevant to your messaging.
  2. Keep the structure – A story should have a character with a goal who faces a challenge. Start from their norm, shake things up with conflict, and have a satisfying resolution.
  3. Use emotion – Emotions are what make stories compelling. Use them wisely but don’t blatantly play on readers’ emotions.
  4. Watch your words – Words make a difference: You can be busy or you can be swamped with work.
  5. Choose the right stories and consumers – Choose stories that reflect your values. Research your consumers to make sure you reflect their principles as well.

Get into the habit of collecting stories and you’ll start seeing them everywhere. They’ll do wonders for your marketing.

Let Us Help You Adapt to The Landscape

If any of these growing trends sound the least bit overwhelming to you, PSM Marketing is here to help.

We help Minnesota businesses network with others, assist with videography, are SEO experts, and love creating content to build engagement.

We actually do a lot more than that, going from the basics to beyond, and customizing our offering to suit both your marketing needs and your budget based on real conversations where we listen.

Need your marketing done right and done fast? Drop us a line today!

PSM Marketing