3 Steps to Creating a Strong Brand Message

Looking to continue to strengthen your firm’s brand? In last week’s blog we focused on the steps to create a unique brand for your service firm.  Now that you have written out your message, composed your elevator speech, and developed a tagline, what steps are left to successful Brand Messaging?

Brand Messaging Keys to Success:

  • Train everyone at your firm on the message
  • Practice your elevator speech.
  • Utilize your tagline wherever appropriate in your branding
    • Logo
    • Website
    • Social Media
    • Stationary Suite
    • Marketing Materials
    • Email Signature
  • Ensure repeated exposure to brand messaging

Now that we have taken a look at how to brand your message, let’s dig into creating a Brand Image. There are three stages in creating a Brand Image. These stages are Strategize, Create, and Implement.


Strategy requires your firm to evaluate your existing brand. What does your brand currently represent? What changes would you like to make? After evaluating your existing brand, the next step is to is to research your main competitors and see what their strategy looks like in the marketing place. Another big part of strategy is determining the emotions that you want your brand to convey. This is a big part of your strategy. As a service is intangible, you really want to connect with people emotionally. What do you want people to feel when they experience your brand or see your brand image?


After you complete your strategy, it is then time to Create your logo based on your strategic needs. If you are working with a graphic designer, make sure that you request a Logo Kit, Style Sheet, and overall Branding Guidelines. If you request this on the front end you should have what you need to Implement your new brand image!


During Implementation, make sure to update ALL branded materials. This includes both printed and digital. It is important to show a consistent brand message, and this is difficult to do if not all your materials are up to date. Another thing we like to implement is a “Brand Champion” at your firm to keep things aligned. This person will make sure that everyone is using the new materials and is also keeping the brand consistent.

Let’s also take a look at the final component of branding, the Client Experience. The client experience encompasses everything a client encounters before, during, and after engaging with your firm. You want your client experience to reflect your brand message. This includes what a potential client hears by word of mouth, your firm’s website, and their experience when they reach out. For example, how is the phone answered? How quickly are messages returned? What do people experience when they come to your office? How easily accessible is your online presence? These are all factors to take into consideration for your clients’ full experience.

For more information on how to create a strong brand message watch our recent webinar!

Looking for more information on how to differentiate your firm in the marketplace? Stay tuned for my next blog where I will cover “Auditing Your Current Brand”.

PSM Marketing