Happy Thanksgiving from PSM!

Thanksgiving Dinner Food Autumn Fall Thanksgiving

Apple pie, cinnamon, and fall leaves fill the air.  We are all in “busy mode” preparing for the holidays, trying to stay one step ahead of the holiday season crunch.  During this action-packed time of year, we would like to step back for a moment to share what we are thankful for this season.  We hope our list inspires you reflect on all that you have to be thankful for.  We are grateful and thankful every day for:

  • Our Clients – These wonderful people place their trust and confidence in PSM and its team every day to help them grow and prosper individually and as firms.  Without our clients there would be no PSM Team!
  • Our PSM Team – From project managers to our creative services team, each and every PSM resource is a rock star and we are so thankful to know and work with each of you on behalf our clients.
  • Our Business Partnership – When Terrie and Michelle became business partners a we created a “business marriage” that is solid, respectful, trusting and incredibly rewarding for each of us.
  • Our Families – Everyone who works with PSM knows and is grateful for the love and support of their families, without whom we could not deliver our creative and flexible services.
  • Our Flexibility – We are all so incredibly fortunate to have the freedom and flexibility to serve clients from our own virtual offices.
  • Technology and the Digital Age – Without amazing technologies we would not be able to operate our unique business.  From Skype and GoToWebinar, to FaceTime and remote access technologies, we can communicate 24/7 with one another and with our clients and colleagues across the country and around the world. Not to forget an honorable mention to our cell phones, tablets, wireless headsets, and every other tool we use to communicate.
  • Presentation Opportunities and Webinars – By presenting at industry events and conducting PSM webinars, Terrie and Michelle are able to impart their knowledge and expertise to contacts and clients across the country.
  • Social Media – We are big believers in conveying thought leadership.  Social media allows us to build name recognition for PSM on a broad, global level.
  • Our Pets – Having the luxury of virtual offices, we have the ability to love up our precious animals versus kenneling them all day.  Our critters are always there for us through good days and great days. For them we are thankful.
  • Our Health and Wellness – Without which we would be unable to enjoy anything above.  Here’s to those post-Thanksgiving promises to get in shape by the new year!

We wish each of you a wonderful, relaxing Thanksgiving holiday.  We hope your day is spent enjoying your families – and the cute little pets begging for turkey at the dinner table!


Terrie & Michelle

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